crafting visual experiences through strategic design

coaches / consultants — branding


Ali Mortimer
Joy Coach


The Virtual Collab
Victoria Marshall


Sage Psychology
Dianne Everitt

lifestyle — branding


Aaron and Hetty


Verity Bennett


The Surrey Skin Clinic
Katie Bowers

feng shui — branding


The Feng Shui Flow
Kimberley Gallagher

we know — feng shui

corporate — branding


Residential CGI


Whitedune Property
Property Development

  • word on the street

    The whole team at Upbrand have turned my vision into reality and I fully trust them with every decision and every suggestion.

    K I M B E R L E Y
    G A L L A G H E R

  • word on the street

    I loved the ethics and process behind the branding process which really helped me get very very clear and focussed on my messaging.

    A L I
    M O R T I M E R

  • word on the street

    Collaborating with Upbrand has been an incredible journey. From the initial concept stage to the final execution, the process of turning my business ideas into reality has been truly remarkable.

    L O U I S E
    P I N O N

  • word on the street

    The whole process really helped me think about my brand identity in an easy, step-by-step way. I am so grateful for their support, creativity and commitment to my little business!

    K A T I E
    B O W E R S

  • word on the street

    You are next level awesomeness!!!!!! It’s been an absolute pleasure and you’ve made something that could have been complicated so easy.

    E M M A
    H A R R I S O N

  • word on the street

    You could see my vision 1000% more clearly than I could and even talked me down when I had a last minute wobble. I'll forever be grateful!

    V E R I T Y
    B E N N E T T

  • word on the street

    I was literally too emotional to speak when she delivered the final branding and couldn't be happier.

    H E L E N
    T H A C K E R

  • word on the street

    Her thoughtful, collaborative and personal approach has authentically brought my personality and professional ability to life.

    H E T T Y
    A L T O N

  • word on the street

    There is literally no one I trust more when it comes to my branding. I found the process fascinating and loved seeing my recent personal rebrand come together.

    C A R L Y
    M E Y E R S

  • word on the street

    I could do this over and over again. Investing in my brand was one of my best decisions to date.

    Z A R A
    R U M S E Y

let’s build your brand legacy

There’s no time like right this minute to start bringing your branding dreams to life.

Start by booking your free non-obligatory virtual coffee with Ange.